Did Christina Aguilera Cuss Out Mickey Mouse During A Birthday Trip To Disneyland?

I love this Christina Aguilera birthday story so much that I wish with every molecule of my being that it really happened. So far, we know this much this much to be true. Earlier this month Christina Aguilera celebrated her 34th birthday at Disneyland, the so-called “happiest place on earth.” Things reportedly went awry, however, when the former Mouseketeer requested a photo op with Mickey Mouse only to be told that the Disney mascot was going on break and that she would have to wait. Not even Xtina herself gets between a mouse and his nicotine.

At that point, words were supposedly exchanged which almost definitely would have made Mickey Mouse cover his ears and say “Oh boy!,” while Disneyland employees were quick to usher their bread and butter to safety. According to TMZ:

Aguilera lost it, and called Mickey an “a**hole.” We’re told she even dropped the dreaded, “Do you know who I am?”

Xtina’s crew started hurling threats, we’re told … and Mickey had to be ushered to a safe zone — out of public view. Security was called, but by the time they arrived … the former Mouseketeer had already split.

Aquilera posted a photo from her birthday trip to Disneyland on Twitter back on December 18th, but she made no mention of any unpleasantness that may or may not have occurred. Does this look like a group of people who would force Mickey Mouse himself to be rushed to whatever the Disneyland equivalent of NORAD is? Which is what I’m assuming is a bunker buried somewhere deep in Space Mountain, naturally.