Vagina Facials Or ‘Vagacials’ Are The Latest Beauty Trend Sweeping The UK

A new craze promising to give women “the vagina of a 25-year-old” is currently all the rage in Britain. Developed by dating guru and “vagacial pioneer” Lisa Palmer, these vagina facials reportedly give ladyparts back their youthful glow using a combination of steam treatments and applying a mixture of coconut oil, egg whites and vitamins. And here I thought “dogging” would be the most bizarre thing I’d hear come out of the UK this week.

But why would you want to give a facial to your vajayjay? reports:

The dating expert has explained that after a divorce, she started dating younger men, and used to pay attention to what her face looked like – little realizing that other parts also needed preening.

“We tend to forget our nether regions, thinking a Brazilian wax is enough,” she said. “But when I was dating my first younger man I looked downstairs to realize it was a bit wrinkly and dry compared to when I was younger.” also has a recipe to give yourself a DIY vagacial involving egg whites and honey but honestly the whole thing sounds a little bit messy for my tastes. Britain’s ITV channel’s This Morning was the first to cover the phenomenon by giving a 74-year-old woman a vagacial on live TV, which you can view below — you’re very welcome.

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