There Are No Winners When Chris Brown And Drake Get In A Bar Fight Over Rihanna

So, Drake and Chris Brown walked into a New York City bar and…they, and their entourages, got into a bottle-throwing fight, supposedly over Rihanna (whom they’ve both been recently rumored to be boning), that left a gash on Brown’s chinny-chin-chin.

According to the Sun, the melee allegedly began when Brown sent a bottle over to Drake. He returned it with a note that read, “I’m f*cking the love of your life, deal with it,” which I really want to believe happened. That’s T. Boone Pickens-level pwnage right there. That’s when things got heated, and after a bit of encouragement from rapper Meek Mill, says Global Grind, Drake “punched Chris Brown in the face, and hit him in the mouth with a bottle before he could retaliate from the punch.” Of course Drake would attack someone with an expensive bottle of liquor.

Brown told his side of the story on Twitter, tweeting, “N*ggas throwing bottles! Y’all n*ggaz weak!” He also posted the picture you see above, which shows the aforementioned gash .

There are three things I love about this photo: 1) that white spot in his noise (should we start a rumor that he does more blow than the Dallas Cowboys did in the 90s?), 2) that his eyes are closed — that’s how you know it’s an ouch of a boo-boo, and 3) Chris Brown got hurt, which hahaha.

Not surprisingly, Chris Brown may be trying to suppress images and video of him getting KTFO from getting out. You’d think he’d have learned his lesson about Twitter DMs by now…

The moral of the story: a lot of men want to have sex with Rihanna, and Rihanna appears to be willing to fulfill such fantasies…

I’m sure there will be a lot more on this throughout the day, but until then, here’s a necessary GIF and a wonderful picture…

No winners folks. The only people to pull for in this scenario are the bouncers.

(Picture via. GIF via Nigel D)