Watch The First Glorious Video For EC3’s TNA World Heavyweight Championship Campaign

Do you like bald eagles? Do you like freedom? Do you like TNA? Okay, so the last one isn’t as important to this video, but it does help.

One-percenter and Actual Best Performer on Wrestling Television Ethan Carter III channels some guy with a baller fanny pack from some company you’ve probably never heard of in his first campaign video to be the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. I mean, we’ll ignore for a moment the fact that he should have been champion back when Magnus turned on the Carter family, but better late than never, right? And what did that scrub Kurt Angle ever do for America? NOTHING, if you don’t google him or know anything about him or don’t ever look at his singlets.

At the end of the day, it’s not about picking sides. It’s about doing the right thing for TNA… nay, the right thing for America.