Mia Wasikowska and Adam Driver face the elements in poster for ‘Tracks’

I was pretty entranced by John Curran's tracks when it premiered at the Venice Film Festival last year — the true story of a young woman trekking 2000 miles across the Outback desert in 1975, it has the pictorial lyricism and subdued intelligence the distinguished Curran's underrated 2006 Maugham adaptation “The Painted Veil,” plus a(nother) superb performance from the ever-interesting Mia Wasikowska, oddly but engagingly paired with “Girls” star Adam Driver as the American photographer who documents her journey. 

The Weinstein Company picked the film up on the fall festival circuit, and while its May 23 release date suggests they don't have awards-related plans for it (though Wasikowska certainly merits consideration), I'd been hoping they would give it a handsome publicity push. This robust poster (via Yahoo!) suggests they will — good call on luring in the “King's Speech” contingent, though the films have zilch in common — even if doesn't capture the film's shimmery loveliness. Check out my review here.