This Kenyan Politician (Not Obama) Totally Nailed It With His Mandela Photoshop

You have to admire the big brass balls on Mike Sonko, a Senator from Barack Hussein Obama’s homeland of Kenya, to post this to his Facebook page, presumably to score political point by implying that he had once hung with Nelson Mandela. Even better, even though he’s been busted and commenters are giving him all kinds of sh*t, he still hasn’t taken the pic down.

I want to hang with this guy. I want to buy him all of the beers. And I felt that way before I even read this…

Mr Sonko was elected as an MP for Nairobi in 2010, but was kicked out after he refused to take off his earrings and sunglasses in parliament. He was elected as a senator for Nairobi earlier this year.

I hope Mike Sonko is the next Kenyan to get elected president of the United States. Sonko/Hillary 2016!

(Pics via Facebook and the Telegraph)