Frotcast 84: Oscars, AVNs, Dane Cook & Burnsy’s Corner with comic Eric Barry

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This week Vince brings in local comic Eric Barry, we get into Burnsy’s Corner, we discuss the AVNs, get several great listener voicemails, get deep about Dane Cook-gate and the world of comedy, Brendan saw a guy get hit by a car, and other jackassery.

  • 00:01:37 – In what can’t be a coincidence, Bret’s birthday is the same day as Squirrel Appreciation Day, and Fake Bret appreciates the hell out of the those fluffy tails. We received some listener voicemails: Fake Bret hater from last week is back, the “hottest” Frotcast female listener shows off (vocalizes?) her hard lovin’ skills, and Maggie Thatcher calls in for a rebuttal. The guys talk a bit about beer (I disagree about the Anchor Christmas Ale).
  • 00:13:14 – Burnsy’s Corner: Things get a bit holy with some squealing church singing, a 6 year-old girl has a hardcore song about her pets, the guys discuss the aesthetics of hardcore dancing, and Burnsy talks about his new feature for Uproxx.
  • 00:38:20 – Cormac McCarthy joins Twitter. Brendan is fascinated with the gay, meth head runaway on Intervention. Vince brings up the news story about Demi Moore being hospitalized for doing whip-its, which leads to a talk that digresses from whip-its to bloody wounds.
  • 00:54:13 – Guest of the show, Eric Barry, talks about his friendship with Vince, running the Milk Bar, bouncing people from the comedy shows, and dealing with Haight St. gutter punks.
  • 00:59:04 – The Oscar nominations are brought up briefly, but the guys come up with the ultimate Oscar baiting movie. The more interesting nominations follow: the AVN’s Most Clever Title. Eric talks about his fear of sewer babies, and is introduced to the Frotcast classic Jesse Jane clip.
  • 01:11:45 – The guys talk about the recent Dane Cook fiasco at the Laugh Factory, his quick rise to fame, the redemptive appearance on Louie, and joke stealing in general. To wind things down a clip from Bones is played dealing with malware, firewalls, fractal patterns, and, you guessed it, bones…and plenty of bad writing and acting.

Vince announces an upcoming gig that you should definitely check out. (February 14th at Milk Bar)

Drunk On! -Adam