Eva Green’s Awesome Boobs Star In The Sin City 2 Trailer

Thus far, we’ve been pretty thorough in our coverage of Eva Green’s awesome boobs, which star in the upcoming Sin City: A Dame To Kill For, even going back for numerous follow ups, as necessary. How do Eva Green’s awesome boobs feel today? Do they swell or contract in certain weather? How does the humidity affect their suppleness? Does the extra sweat make them slippery to the touch? Does aureola circumference change, or just aureola surface tension? There are a lot of questions surrounding Eva Green’s awesome boobs, and you absolutely cannot afford to skimp on this kind of coverage in today’s media environment.

In any case, the trailer for Sin City: A Dame To Kill For has finally arrived (2in 2ity 2: 2 Hot 2 Handle, as I like to call it). Eva Green’s awesome boobs make a brief appearance at the 1:10 mark and again at 2:01. The film stars some actors and some other stuff happens too, and I think it might even have a release date. Pretty cool, man, pretty cool.