Quentin Tarantino’s Top 11 Films of 2011

Quentin Tarantino recently released his eleven favorite films of 2011, and thanks to cocaine, he was able to watch all eleven of them in just under 40 minutes. Probably the biggest surprise is that Paul WS Anderson’s Three Musketeers made his top eleven. I still haven’t seen it, but I know it involves pirate ships carried by zeppelins shooting cannons at each other, and I’m a big proponent of the idea that at a certain level, “stupid” becomes “brilliant.”

The other suprise is that he has Drive listed among the “nice try” movies, which… I guess… means… he thought it could’ve been better? I don’t know, but he mentions it alongside Drive Angry, Hanna, and Real Steel, which aren’t exactly flattering company.

Quentin Tarantino’s official Top 11 of 2011

1. Midnight in Paris
2. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
3. Moneyball
4. The Skin I Live In
5. X-Men: First Class
6. Young Adult
7. Attack the Block
8. Red State
9. Warrior
10. The Artist / Our Idiot Brother (tie)
11. The Three Musketeers

I too thought Our Idiot Brother was better than it got credit for, but that’s what happens when you have a lame premise. 50/50 and Cedar Rapids were much better.

Others considered in no particular order

The Iron Lady
Green Hornet
Green Lantern
Captain America
The Descendants
My Week With Marilyn
Fast Five
The Tree of Life
The Hangover Part II
Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol
The Beaver
The Sitter
War Horse

Does this just mean that he saw them? Interpret that as you will. Of all the movies that came out this year, if he’s actually considering The Iron Lady and Green Lantern for his best-of-the-year list, he’s even higher than I thought. Why, it’d almost be like seeing a hot naked lady and wanting to jack off to her feet.

Nice Try Award

Drive Angry
Real Steel

Best Director

Pedro Almodóvar
Bennett Miller
Woody Allen
Jason Reitman
Michel Hazanavicius

Best Original Screenplay

Midnight in Paris
Young Adult
Red State
Attack the Block
Our Idiot Brother

Best Adapted Screenplay

The Skin I live In
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
X-Men: First Class

Worst Films

Sucker Punch
Potiche (Trophy Wife)
Straw Dogs
Paranormal Activity 3
Meek’s Cutoff

[via Tarantino.info]

Ha, even the guy who liked Three Musketeers and Green Lantern thought Sucker Punch sucked. He probably just didn’t understand it because he’s never been molested. You can’t relate to a girl whose vagina hypnotizes people with techno music in a 50s period piece unless you’ve been molested, or so I hear.