J.K. Simmons Will Gut You Like A Pig In The Trailer For ‘Whiplash’

Trigger warning: If you’ve ever had a father or some sort of father figure, you probably won’t want to watch this trailer without consulting your psychiatrist (unless, of course, your psychiatrist is your father figure – in which case you are completely f**ked.) The trailer is for the film “Whiplash” which was written and directed by Damien Chazelle. The film stars Miles Teller as a jazz drummer who suffers under the tutelage of a fearsome Jazz maestro, played by the incredibly talented J.K. Simmons. I first became of fan of J.K. Simmons while he was playing the role of the sadistic and surprisingly hilarious neo-Nazi Vern Schillinger on HBO’s Oz. Since then, he has had the misfortune of being placed in the “that great character-actor what’s-his-name” section of Hollywood’s rolodex. I’m hoping that this role will finally help him make that leap from character-actor to Hollywood acting titan that he so obviously deserves.