Oh, You Know, Just Recreating Middle Earth on Minecraft

Exactly like stripper pole lessons, Minecraft is whatever you decide to make out of it. It can be fun, it can be useless, and coincidentally it can also be extremely useful when recreating Middle Earth from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I mean, this sh*t is absolutely bonkers.

Featured in a recent episode from One Moderately Funny Gamer, we learn that the entire Middle Earth landscape was handcrafted from scratch, without the aid of any plug-ins or mods. We’re talking handmade, folks. And get this, the scope of the world is so massive that only members from the original design crew have ever reached the borders of the map –annnd just to further explode your mind, right now they’re in talks with the developer about expanding with more room.

I mean, this is simply amazing. It’s nerdy as all hell, don’t get me wrong, but it’s also the kind of crap that separates the boys from the men. Tons of dedication on this one. And before I forget to mention this: does anyone else think that when you’re playing Minecraft it always looks like your player is running around with their blocky penis hanging out? No, is this just me? Alright, forget I ever said anything.

Catch the entire 45-minute episode after the jump:

[via thedailywh.at]